July 27, 2020
For many Florida homeowners, solar panels offer opportunities to save money and make your own power. Putting the right panels together with the right roof from Aluma Tile makes the most of your investment. Roof Mounted Solar Panels Roof-mounted solar panels are an excellent way to generate free power by taking advantage of space you… ( read more )
May 27, 2020
When it’s time to buy a new roof, like buying a car, you’ll probably do your on-line research. We appreciate and encourage that. Due diligence is excellent, but when you get to the point of needing local expertise from a trusted source, we’re right here in the heart of Florida. Aluma Tile Metal Roofing Systems… ( read more )
February 27, 2020
Roofing, just like technology, is following Moore’s Law which addresses the ever-increasing speed of change and advancement. We are seeing a rapid succession of product developments, and the inclusion of technology in such roofing areas as measuring, marketing, estimating, visualizing, and sales. These are exciting times. Back in 1996, well-known futurist Watts Wacker posed a… ( read more )
January 26, 2020
Here’s a special message for homeowners from roofing expert Todd Miller, President of Isaiah Industries and Classic Metal Roofing Systems, our valued partner in Florida. “It’s hard to believe, but Isaiah Industries is closing in on 40 years as a leading specialty metal roofing manufacturer. While the company was started by my father, I have… ( read more )
December 18, 2019
When you re-roof your home, it is the perfect time to make sure that your home’s attic ventilation is functioning properly. That’s why we start every roof inspection with an attic inspection. Why Good Ventilation is a Big Deal Prevents mold and rot. Recent years have brought building science technologies that are making homes tighter… ( read more )
April 26, 2019
Here’s a new series based on 10 critical things that most roofing contractors often don’t know about metal roofing….but we do. There are 10 considerations particular to metal roofing that most roofing contractors are simply not aware of. Here, begin explanations of 2 of those 10 critical considerations: Metals and Finishes. These 2 considerations are… ( read more )