
2 Homes with Ventilation Problems Solved With Metal Roofing

March 27, 2020

Metal Roofing Ventialtion Aluma Tile Metal Roofing Systems Inc.

No matter the season, storms, water, and moisture can wreak havoc on your roof.  Here are the stories of 2 homes, far from Florida, with problems of water and moisture damage. Both can be remediated with proper ventilation, and the right metal roofing solution. Homeowners in our climate can benefit from the experience of these… ( read more )


December 18, 2019


When you re-roof your home, it is the perfect time to make sure that your home’s attic ventilation is functioning properly. That’s why we start every roof inspection with an attic inspection. Why Good Ventilation is a Big Deal Prevents mold and rot. Recent years have brought building science technologies that are making homes tighter… ( read more )

Energy Efficiency and Metal Roofing in Florida: Installation Matters

July 23, 2019

energy efficiency Aluma Tile Metal Roofing Systems Inc.

Many homeowners choose metal roofs because they learn that these roofs can save the environment – and their wallets – through energy efficiency. That’s very true, but not all metal roof installations are the same in terms of energy efficiency. The level of energy efficiency achieved with metal roofing is dependent upon the knowledge of… ( read more )

Do You Know What’s in Your Attic? Condensation?

June 27, 2019

Your home requires protection from and the prevention of condensation. So, what does metal roofing have to do with condensation? Here’s an explanation. A properly installed metal roof, with a properly prepared attic, can prevent condensation. Metal Roofing: Good Installation and Ventilation Means No Condensation When installed on standard residential construction consisting of typical attic… ( read more )

6 Key Components of a Quality Metal Roof

March 8, 2019

If you’re shopping for a metal roof, we have put together a list of six things to look for in any potential metal roofing product. Not all metal roofs offer these features, but we think you will agree that all six are very important 1. Quality and Tested Finishes Available in many colors and even… ( read more )